Class of 2025
Some of the goals of the Class of 2025 team are improving our class spirit, selling merch, having fun without Homecoming and our homecoming halls, keeping our Instagram alive, and having more fundraisers.
Meet Your Class of 2025 Officers
Welcome to the class of 2025 Team! Some accomplishments were participating in Homecoming events, planning out our Nandos' fundraiser, and our end of year car wash!
To learn more about us officers, scroll down!

Car Wash
We are so so so so excited for this fundraiser! Can’t wait to see everyone there!
Social Media
Freshman Class Candidates
elections r going through be held from apr 26-28th in your social studies classes!
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Nandos Fundraiser
We hope to see you all there! - Cid, Milka, Sunita, and Ariana
There are vegetarian options if needed as well, if you can’t have the meat, the veggie burger is amazinggggg
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Valentines Day!
us when last slide😍😍😍
guys what do you caption a school sga post…..😅😅😅
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Winter Spirit Week
thank you to everyone who participated and came to the events!!! we r so so so thankful for all you, enjoy your break☺️☺️ (also make sure to vote freshmen for the gingerbread competition bc we totally won..)
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